Jumaat, 15 Februari 2013

Minyak Ikan Boleh Bakar Lemak??Biar betul....

Wah..betul ke ni? Selama ni ramai yang ingat fish oil untuk brain je..nampaknya Lecithin ade persaingan hehe... Jangan risau ye, Lecithin memang berkesan, Omega pun sama tapi perbezaan antara kedua-duanya adalah dari segi harga dan tahap keberkesanannya..well of course the one with extra cost work better but doesn't mean the cheaper one isn't gud. Namun, terpulang pada kemampuan masing2la untuk memilih yang mana satu....

Dalam fish oil ade OMEGA fatty acid yang mengandungi DHA dan EPA.

Ye ke omega ni boleh bakar lemak? Cam tak caya jer...

''Fish oil supplements may help overweight people and people with high blood pressure to lose weight, according to the National Institutes of Health. Omega-3 fatty acids or polyunsaturated fatty acids, are found in fish oil. They are considered essential to your diet because your body can't make them.''

Macam mana fatty acid boleh bakar lemak ye? 

Lemak Omega-3 membuatkan badan anda bertindak balas kepada sejenis hormon yang dipanggil leptin. (Leptin dalam bahasa Greek bermaksud "thin")

Apa sebenarnya fungsi hormon leptin??

Leptin memberi isyarat kepada badan (otak) untuk mengurangkan selera makan dan membuatkan anda makan dengan sedikit, jadi anda boleh mengurangkan berat badan dengan berkesan.

Leptin berfungsi meningkatkan tahap metabolisme badan dengan meningkatkan pengeluaran kelenjar tiroid.(hormon tiroid membantu mengawalatur tahap metabolisme badan anda).

Hmm...banyaknya fungsi Leptin ni..ia juga membantu badan untuk menukarkan lemak yang tersimpan kepada tenaga...badan akan jadi lebih bertenaga & lemak pun berkurangan..wah, bestnya... Lemak kat perut pun boleh hilang dengan jayanya...


If your body isn't responding well to Leptin then the reverse happens - You'll be hungrier, and you'll store more fat...You can take Omega-3 fats to help your body respond much better to Leptin so you can increase your fat-burning metabolism and

Omega-3 fats are found in salmon, flaxseeds, nuts, Omega-3 supplements and these other 79 foods sources of Omega-3 fats and…antara makanan kaya dengan omega 3 ialah:

3 more ways Omega-3 fats help you lose weight is…

1.Omega-3 fats help you control your hunger by stabilizing your blood sugar levels 

2.An Australian study showed that when people took Omega-3 fats while on an exercise program burned more fat than people who Only Exercised (without taking Omega-3 fats) and people who exercised & took other types of fat and…

3.Studies done in Japan & The Czech republic suggest that Omega-3 fats prevent the creation of ugly body fat and these same studies suggested Omega-3 fats promote more fat burning.

''A 2001 study published in the May 2002 edition of "Obesity Research" discovered that rats fed fish oil gained less weight than rats fed soybean oil. Furthermore, a 2004 study published in "Lipids" confirms the link between weight loss and fish oil as rats with an omega-3 rich diet exhibited reduced levels of fat and leptin. Leptin is a hormone which regulates the appetite and is generally lower in individuals with low body fat content. The 2004 study in "Lipids" concludes that DHA fat oil reduces the accumulation of body fat by restricting the hypertrophy and hyperplasia of fat cells. "Mosby's Medical Dictionary" explains that hypertrophy and hyperplasia refers to an enlargement of cells and an increase in cell production, respectively.'' 


by: Adaa (http://mycutekids-myinspiration.blogspot.com)

Dah baca bagaimana omega 3 boleh bakar lemak tu, jadi jika anda berminat, hubungi saya sekarang:

June Mohd

Setiap pembelian daripada blog ini anda akan mendapatkan khidmat nasihat berterusan 'after sales'..juga akan di'add' ke secret group yang EXCLUSIVE di facebook...diskaun hebat juga bakal menanti anda...

Sekian, terima kasih.


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